The miniature fan heater is ideal for warming very small pets . There is screening on all openings of the miniature pet heater to prevent live food nesting in heaters All blades and rotating parts are safely only @ enclosed in the fan casing. There are no exposed controls on the small heater. The fan heater is weather proof and can be operated outside exposed to all types of winter weather. The pet heater may be powered by a transformer, battery or solar panel* SPARE FILTERS supplied free. Miniature filtered fan heaters for pets are reduced to half price for a short period. *TINY PET HEATERA tiny pet heater for smooth surfacesSuction cups can be removed to provide permanent attachment. (fittings supplied) A heat plate "safety protector" shields your miniature pet from harm.
Tiny heaters will perform economically for long periods of time operated on a transformer or battery. The tiny pet heater is safe for active miniature pets. Warming pets is easy with the small pet heater Spiders, moths and small pets will appreciate the comfort and safe level of warmth the miniature pet heater provides Small pet heaters are portable and weather proof. They are ideal for transporting pets that requires a consistent temperature. Small heaters can operate on a transformer & battery. Larger battery packs and heaters are available at our connected site. FREE SHIPPING heater powered by solar energy or battery
exposed to weather conditions. Our little pet heaters can be operated on a transformer or battery. The heater will withstand hard knocks. Miniature pet heaters are ideal for insects and bugs. The little pet heater is designed to fit through a small hole drilled into your pets home. All the electrical components are safely located outside a pets habitat. Little pet heaters will gently blow warm air into a miniature pets habitat. SOLAR HEATED PET HOMES SOLAR PET HEATERS PET CAGE HEATERS PETS HEATED BED KENNEL HEATERS PET HEAT MATS PET HEATERS REFUND POLICY (( home page ))
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PetHeaters keeping miniature pets warm